Highly Regarded Doctor, Researcher Bharat Ramratnam, MD, Joins NEMIC's Board of Directors

NEMIC is excited to announce that Bharat Ramratnam, MD, has been appointed to our board of directors.

Dr. Ramratnam's impressive credentials speak volumes about his contributions to the field of medicine. Highly regarded among his peers, his appointments within the divisions of infectious diseases and hematology/oncology demonstrate his versatile expertise and commitment to tackling critical healthcare challenges.

As the Vice President of Research at Lifespan, Dr. Ramratnam’s deep understanding of biomedical science and extensive expertise will prove instrumental in contributing to NEMIC's strategic decision-making processes. Dr. Ramratnam's appointment solidifies NEMIC's commitment to fostering cutting-edge medical advancements and supporting the growth of MedTech companies.

Bharat currently serves on the NEMIC Smart Team as well as Chief Science Officer at Lifespan. Bharat is the Warren Alpert Foundation Professor of Medicine and Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.


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